Effective Learning in RE

Effective learning in religious education requires clear and purposeful teaching that recognises that:

Religious Education is centrally concerned with questions of fundamental importance to human beings. Pupils should be provided with a range of opportunities to

Religious Education also seeks to promote the positive attitudes and personal qualities which are essential for effective lifelong learning:

enthusiasm; an eagerness to know, commitment to learn, perseverance when faced with new challenges or difficult ideas

curiosity; a willingness to ask questions, the desire to find out more, openness to new ideas and points of view

reflection; willingness to give serious thought to spiritual, moral and religious issues, recognition that encountering religion often poses challenges to existing views, readiness to reconsider personal beliefs and values

respect; treating the beliefs and values of others seriously, recognising that other people’s views are often held with deep commitment, recognising the right of other people to be different

tolerance; readiness to consider the views of others, recognition of the sincerity with which other people may hold different views, conviction that people of different views may live together harmoniously.

from the Cheshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education

The Mind Friendly Framework encourages these attitudes and promotes independent learning.