Celebrations Lesson Plan 5 - Eid

Curriculum Focus: R.E.
Celebrations Lesson 5 – Eid
Year Group: 2
Getting ready to learn: A positive mind state: relaxed and alert:
Eid card addressed to the class.

Connect to previous learning: What do I already know? What do I want to know?

Why do Muslims celebrate Eid?

Learning intentions: to know, to be able to do, to understand

How Muslims celebrate Eid.

The Big Picture: What will I be finding out or learning about?

How Muslims celebrate Eid.

Achievable steps: What are we going to do? How are we going to do it?

We will listen to a story. Then we will make some cards, draw some mendhi patterns and taste some traditional food.

Teacher input: engaging the learner and encouraging thinking through visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cues

The children will listen to the story ‘Asif’s party’ and look at the posters of Eid celebrations. Pass around Eid cards to look at. Consider the patterns used on the cards and how the cards open. Pass round pictures of hands decorated with mendhi patterns.

Main activity: children explore the learning and establish meaning through activities which take account of multiple intelligences.

Make Eid cards using coloured paper. Either choose a photocopy of an Islamic pattern, or draw their own, and stick onto their card. Draw around their hand and decorate it using brown pen in the same style as the mendhi patterns. At the end of the session taste some typical food; samosas, bargi and pakoras.

Show you know: practise, rehearse and memorise key points. What have I learned?

In a circle, show the cards that have been made. Refer to the questions about Eid and see if we can answer those questions, tell a partner the answer.

Reflection: How did I learn? What do I need to know next?

How did we learn about Eid?