QCA Unit 6F How do Christians express their faith through the arts at Christmas

Outline of suggested themes/lessons

Theme/lesson (1)
Learning objective Suggested Activities
1. Introduction to the Christian festival of Christmas To be aware that Christians celebrate the festival of Christmas in a variety of ways • Discuss what Christmas is and agree a definition
• Separate religious, secular and commercial aspects of Christmas – mind map
• Christmas card sort
• Introduce the unit of work – ask children what they want to know
2. Religious picture images of Christmas To explore how Christians might use visual images of Christmas in their worship • Examine, compare and contrast traditional and contemporary paintings of Christmas (E.g. Slaughter of the Innocents, African Manger)
• Examine images of Christmas in terms of
Symbolism – Light, signs
• Look for evidence of common themes
• Relate themes to time periods (E.g. Victorian images etc.)
3. Religious music and songs for Christmas To understand that Christmas songs and music can be a means of expressing faith • Listen to a range of Christmas music and songs
• Sort religious music from other types of Christmas music
• Compare and contrast two different pieces of religious Christmas music
• Respond to music in a variety of ways (E.g. painting, movement, writing etc.)
4. Using drama and role play to express ideas about Christmas To know that drama and role play is a means of reinforcing important religious festivals • Act out the Christmas story
• Find messages about the meaning of Christmas in children’s films/TV/nativity plays
• Evaluate nativity play scripts
• Find out about miracle plays
5. Visit a Christian church To understand how Christians worship in church during the Christmas festival • Attend a Christmas service
• Arrange to talk with clergy about Christmas:
Images & Symbols
Religious services
Stained glass windows
6. Depict understanding of Christmas through the arts To be able to communicate understanding of how Christians express their faith at Christmas through the arts • Choose own method to demonstrate learning and understanding of the unit of work (multiple intelligences)
• Review the unit of work in terms of learning outcomes
• Discuss and plan next steps

1. Each theme might take more than 1 lesson.