Celebrations Lesson Plan 6 - Christmas

Curriculum Focus: R.E.
Celebrations Lesson 6 - Christmas
Year Group: 2
Getting ready to learn: A positive mind state: relaxed and alert:
Wish each other a Merry Christmas

Connect to previous learning: What do I already know? What do I want to know?

We are experts at Christmas, just close your eyes for a moment and think about Christmas last year.

Learning intentions: to know, to be able to do, to understand

That Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus.

The Big Picture: What will I be finding out or learning about?

We are going to think about why Christians celebrate Christmas every year.

Achievable steps: What are we going to do? How are we going to do it?

We are going to listen to the story of Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem and of Jesus being born, but we are going to think about it from different points of view. You are then going to share your ideas with a partner and write your version of the story as though you were an animal there.

Teacher input: engaging the learner and encouraging thinking through visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cues

Look at a selection of Christmas cards and identify the animals. Teacher to tell the story while volunteer animals act sections to the narration and are interviewed about what they are doing and how they feel.

Main activity: children explore the learning and establish meaning through activities which take account of multiple intelligences.

A selection of cards showing either donkeys, camels, sheep or stable creatures are placed on the tables. Children then share ideas with a partner about the animal on their table. The children then write their part of the story from the point of view of that animal.

Show you know: practise, rehearse and memorise key points. What have I learned?

Read one story from each animal. What is common to all of the stories?

Reflection: How did I learn? What do I need to know next?

How did we learn about Christmas today?