Medium Term Plans - Faith & Art

RE HALF TERM UNIT: QCA Unit 6F How do people express their faith through the arts?

An adaptation of the unit to focus on how Christians express their faith during the festival of Christmas through the arts.

  The children will learn to/about: CONTENT OVERVIEW RESOURCES
How have artists expressed religious ideas about Christmas?
- that art can be sacred and spiritual for believers
• Portrayals of the birth of Jesus – stained glass windows, cards, paintings
•How symbolism is used (light etc.)
•How colour and texture are used to express meaning
•Compare traditional and modern images
•Compare the gospels of Matthew and Luke

How might music be a way of expressing worship for Christians at Christmas?
-that in Christianity, music is way of expressing faith
•Identify feelings and emotions associated with a range of Christmas songs and music
•Respond to music in a variety of ways
•Create music for Christmas worship

How is faith expressed through drama and the media?
-that drama is a means of reinforcing important stories and teachings for Christianity
Drama/Role play
•Explore feelings and emotions associated with Christmas
•Learn how drama has traditionally reinforced faith stories in Christianity
•Evaluate how the Christmas story has been depicted in films and drama presentations
•Create dramatic presentations
•Act out religious services
•Descriptions of God as a loving father who gave his only son to save others
•The meaning of Jesus birth for Christians
•The church as a place to worship God and celebrate the birth of Jesus
•The basis for the story of Jesus birth

PRACTICES •Worship: - Services
- Music
- Images & Colour
- Icons
•Festival of Christmas
•Using the Bible to provide guidance and inspiration about the birth of Jesus

VALUES •Courage
•Working with others
•Concern for others
Christmas cards
Images and paintings of the birth of Jesus
Symbols of Christmas
Church visit – vestments, artefacts, stained glass

Christmas songs
Christmas carols
Choral singing
Song words/ booklets

Drama/Role play
Video of nativity
Nativity play scripts
Nativity costumes
Nativity props

N.B. In their activities, the children will explore themes, which help to develop sensitivity to spiritual, moral and religious issues.


AT1: I can express recognition about some of the ways that Christians use the arts to worship at Christmas.
I can offer explanation about how these ways and the emotions experienced make a difference to the lives of believers
AT2: I can use what I have learned about Christian worship and the arts at Christmas to compare with my own experiences