Celebrations Lesson Plan 4 - Eid

Curriculum Focus: R.E.
Celebrations Lesson 4 – Eid
Year Group: 2
Getting ready to learn: A positive mind state: relaxed and alert:
Muslim call to prayer

Connect to previous learning: What do I already know? What do I want to know?

Which religion celebrated Eid? What were are questions?

Learning intentions: to know, to be able to do, to understand

Why Muslims celebrate Eid. What Ramadan is.

The Big Picture: What will I be finding out or learning about?

Why Muslims celebrate Eid.

Achievable steps: What are we going to do? How are we going to do it?

We are going to watch a video about Muslims during a special time in their year, then we are going to compare what we do during a day with what a Muslim person does during a day by making some timelines.

Teacher input: engaging the learner and encouraging thinking through visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cues

Watch a video about Muslims during the period of Ramadan. Turn to a partner and discuss what they have learnt about Ramadan from the video. Several children to feed back to the rest of the class. Quick-fire question and answer session; if the statement is true make the crescent symbol with hands, if false shake head.

Main activity: children explore the learning and establish meaning through activities which take account of multiple intelligences.

Children to draw a time line of a day with given times marked on:
Write or draw pictures to show what they would be doing at those times. On the other side of the timeline draw or write what a Muslim would be doing.

Show you know: practise, rehearse and memorise key points. What have I learned?

Compare personal side of timeline with shoulder partner. Go through Muslim side together.

Reflection: How did I learn? What do I need to know next?

How did we find out about Ramadan? What different ways could we have found out (Talk to a Muslim first hand – emphasise that there are many Muslims in this country. How did we compare their practices with our own?