
Planning RE Lessons using the Mind Friendly Framework for Learning

Approaches to teaching and learning are undergoing a transformation as research information tells us more about how we learn best.

This booklet provides some planned examples for teaching Religious Education. It is based on the Cheshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and the QCA schemes of work. We have used the Mind Friendly Framework as a model for lesson planning.

The Mind Friendly Framework encourages teachers of Religious Education to take account of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning in their planning and ensures all pupils can access learning by offering activities for a variety of intelligences. By using the Mind Friendly Learning Framework in RE teachers ensure that their planning is inclusive. The Mind Friendly Framework can be used as a model to plan one lesson or a sequence of lessons and the examples included demonstrate this flexible approach.

The wise teacher does not ask you to enter the house of wisdom. He leads you to the threshold of your own mind.
Kahil Gibrain